Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Good on Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield for this act. Hopefully it will have a positive impact. I certainly would not want photographers tailing my every move.  Vultures.

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield Send a Powerful Message to the Paparazzi

In the original Spider-Man comic, Peter Parker realizes that "with great power there must also come — great responsibility!"
It seems The Amazing Spider-Man costars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone really took this line to heart.
When the two (who are also a couple) were confronted by photographers after eating at a Manhattan restaurant on Tuesday, they held up signs featuring nonprofit organizations in front of their faces, in order to redirect the focus away from themselves and back towards the things that really matter.
Paparazzi scrutiny can be intense and is unlikely to ebb in our celebrity-obsessed culture, but Stone and Garfield are channeling that unwanted attention in one of the only positive ways possible.

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