Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Take a walk

We're still exploring our "new" neighborhood. Every weekend, if the weather is nice, like this weekend, we make it a point to take a walk into some part of the neighborhood. Fortunately, for us, there is some really cool architecture in every direction, not to mention lots of restaurants, bars, clubs, businesses, you name it. We are still quite happy to be living inside Loop 610 again.

What follows are some pictures taken from today's walk. Contrary to the blizzard conditions up north (AGAIN!!), today in Houston was mostly clear, high of 70 degrees, low humidity. Very, very nice.

Unfortunately and fortunately, there are some street and sewer renovations underway in a nine-block area of which we are part. There will be new sidewalks, new streets, and upgraded water and sewer systems when they are all finished. In the meantime, the streets are a mess, but it does cut down on cross-traffic. It's annoying when the workers show up and start making noise at 8am on a Saturday, but won't last forever.

(By the way, like most pictures embedded inside a post, you should be able to click on a picture and a new window should open, allowing a closer look at the picture. Should.)

And here's some construction...

Our neighborhood is one in transition: gradually the old homes are disappearing and being replaced with new townhomes, kinda like ours. There will always be some hold-outs, however, like this beautiful little place on the corner, immaculately kept.

They're making some pretty rapid progress on the street construction. We are slated to get new streets, new sidewalks, and new water and sewer pipes in a nine-block area in which our home is located. It should be very nice when completed, but in the meantime....

Today we walked west and south. There are some really fine new and old homes in this area. This one, below, is obviously a newer one. That "balcony" is on the third floor.

Here is another new one, with some nice-looking decks up on top.

Some of the older homes are being renovated, and some are just being uprooted and hauled away, like this one.

Some of the streets around here are extra-wide, which makes walking them even more of a pleasure. Shoot, you could put five or six lanes on some of these streets.

We always are on the lookout for landscaping ideas when we go for walks. I like what this neighbor did with their front yard (below). Although it's not too clear from the photo, they pulled up all the grass in the front and put in rocks, pathways, and lots of plants instead. That's what we're going to do with our front yard. Right now, we pay a guy $10/shot to cut a small patch of grass in our front yard, which is kind of silly. That won't go on for much longer.

This neighbor (below) has a virtual jungle in their side yard. He was kind enough to provide pedestrians with a unique window into his own private jungle.

Springtime is on the way and the flowers are out, at least here in Houston.

We have counted over 50 restaurants, clubs and bars in about a six-block radius of our house, and yet it seems very residential at the same time. This kitty, below, must be deaf because we walked right up behind him, while he was in a crouch spying a pigeon up ahead. He was frozen in place until we walked right past him, even shuffling our feet to intentionally make noise, when he finally saw us, freaked out and darted away.

There are quite a few decks that are built on top of garages around here, an excellent idea. Like the one pictured below. You're up "in the trees" on these decks, unlike ours, where we are above the treeline. Both ways are just fine with me, but I think I prefer above the trees.

Ah, back home again so soon. The pedometer says that we walked 1.7 miles today. Not bad.

Those windows are on the second and third floors, and the deck is up top.

Well, so much for today's walk.

But before I go, here's a shot of a small piece of the Meyer Lemon tree that we have up on the roof. We are being overrun by magnificiently-scented lemon blossoms. If the flowers are any indication, we could be overflowing with lemons this year.

Happy Gardening. Hey, all you poor folks up north. Buck up! The first day of Spring is coming soon! March 21. Hey, did you remember to "spring" your clocks forward one hour?

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