On top of that, people started announcing for President in January of 2006, fer Chrissakes! Over TWO YEARS before the election. It's stupid. Speaking of stupid, this whole Superdelegate system is absurd. Either make it the will of the people or don't. But don't expect people to get fired up to get out and vote and then have a bunch of party hacks decide who gets it. And while we're fixing stupid, the Electoral College has long outlived its usefulness. There are many things wrong with our process. Does that make me unpatriotic?

No doubt tensions are high after eight years of the Greedy Old Party running things. The Republicans are running this country into the dirt: financially, mentally, militarily. We need a change, badly.
Hillary Clinton by herself would have been a good antidote to Bush, but then Barack Obama decided to jump into the race. He got a free pass from the media for a long while, probably because the Republicans love to beat up on Hillary so much, and I think they were being careful with the first black candidate. Don't want to be charged with racism, and since the "media" are notorious for focusing on the controversial and sensational, they were hesitant to, or unsure of how to, attack Obama. Now that he is getting a little more scrutiny, his supporters aren't handling it very well. And now that he is catching some flak, Clintons supporters are indulging in a little too much, "Nyah, nyah, nyah."

So, I'm going to take a break. I'll keep this blog up, but don't look for me on any of the forums I have frequented in the past, at least until AFTER the Democratic Convention. Or at least until people come to their senses.
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