Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Friday, July 25, 2014

935 Lies

On a recent Bill Moyers Journal, Charles Lewis latest book, 935 Lies, catalogues the intentional deceptions by LBJ (and his Administration) and GWBush (and his Administration) that led America to very costly wars in Vietnam and Iraq.   Both wars, built on lies.

In one sense, both political parties lied us into a war, but I still don't believe that that means there is no difference between the two parties. Both may be up to their eyeballs in political contributions, but that still doesn't make them the same.  

Ask yourself what our country might look like if Democrats ruled Congress, the Executive, and the Courts.  And ask yourself what it would look like if all three entities were ruled by the GOP.  

But, why the fuck has Obama invoked the Espionage Act 8 times during his presidency, more times than every previous President, combined?

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