Never pass up a chance to sit down or relieve yourself. -old Apache saying

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Bible passages

The Bible is such an easy target and so full of holes it's ... really holy?  The book is so ludicrous and un-credible that it's simply quite amazing that a number of people are still BIBLICAL LITERALISTS!! 

They swear that every word in the Bible is the inerrant word of God.  If that's true, we're in big trouble.

But of course it isn't true, which makes the literalists all the more absurd.

If you ever run across one of those people, I hope you're driving something heavy!!  No, seriously, if you ever happen across a Biblical literalist, here are some good nuggets to toss their way.

The Top 20 Bible Passages to Use Against Fundamentalists

1) Women Will Never Teach or Have Authority Over Men (details)

2) Divorce and Remarrying Are Both Considered Adultery (details)

3) No Bastards May Enter the Church (details)

4) Even A Look Counts As Adultery (details)

5) Men With Wounded Penises or No Testicles Are Not Allowed in Church (really. details)

6) Your Family Is Your Enemy and You Are All Competing for God's Love (details)

7) Women Must Cover Their Hair During Prayer (details)

8) If You Disobey God, You Will Eat Your Babies (details)

9) Love Thy Neighbor. Seriously. (details)

10) A Woman's Punishment For Defending Her Husband = Cut Off Her Hand (details)

11) Cursing At Your Parents Warrants Death (details)

12) Giving Birth to a Daughter Makes You Unclean for 66 Days (details)

13) Non-Virgins Are To Be Stoned (As in, with Rocks) (details)

14) If You Steal Something, or Sin in Any Way: Cut Off Your Hand (details)

15) Deformed People Cannot Approach God (details)

16) If Your Brother Dies, You Need to Bang His Wife (details)

17) No Sex During A Woman's Period (details)

18) Give A Thief Your Belongings (details)

19) Discipline Your Little Ones (details)

20) Invite Your Attacker To Beat You More (details)

Only 20?!  Hey, what about abstaining from all the pork and shellfish?  And you can't wear a garment with mixed threads!  And fucking your slaves? And selling your daughter into slavery? And oh, so much more crazy fucking bullshit. 

Geez, the diseased rantings of cavemen taken as "gospel".  Jesus fucking christ!  Grow up, already!

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